SATRA welcomes Nigerian delegation

SATRA recently hosted a visit by key figures in the Nigerian leather and footwear industries. Dr Isuwa Adamu, director general and chief executive of the Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (NILEST) headed the delegation, and was joined by the organisation’s Director of Research and Technology, Dr Amali Ejila. They were supported by a representation from the Nigerian Embassy in the UK and also from members of the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology (FMST), including its Permanent Secretary, Mrs Hajiya Rabi Jimeta.
The purpose of the week-long visit to the UK was to forge closer links with academic institutes and industry bodies in the leather and footwear sectors, with a view to an ongoing collaboration. Nigeria has a population of livestock that is growing at 6-7 per cent annually, and the country currently has some 1.3 million hides, 10 million sheepskins and 20 million goatskins available for processing per annum.
The Nigerian government has a challenge to develop a workforce with the skills needed for producing leather products from its population of 160 million. The government is embarking on what it terms a ‘transformation agenda’, with which it aims to reposition the economy, create jobs and elevate its citizens’ standard of living.
Photograph shows the Nigerian delegation’s visit to SATRA. From left: Dr Ejila, Christine Powley-Williams (SATRA divisional manager), Dr Bolatito, Mrs Jimeta, Ollie Chandler (SATRA Africa business manager),
Dr Adamu, Mrs Ndukwe and Mrs Danladi.
Publishing Data
This article was originally published on page 3 of the June 2013 issue of SATRA Bulletin.
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