Freetrend achieves accreditation

Two laboratories in Freetrend’s Shenzhen factory have recently achieved the high standards of quality required for SATRA accreditation. Freetrend is one of the principal suppliers of Crocs footwear, and the brand’s products are tested in these two facilities.
Steven Wu, senior manager in charge of the laboratories, has assembled two competent teams. These members of staff have developed the quality systems within the laboratories, and are running them effectively. The hard work and expertise of the laboratory staff has resulted in Crocs being confident that the testing of their products is conducted to high standards of reliability and consistency.
Photograph shows SATRA auditor John Reed (centre left) presenting Steven Wu, senior quality manager at Freetrend (centre right) and his team with one of the company’s laboratory accreditation certificates.
Publishing Data
This article was originally published on page 2 of the March 2014 issue of SATRA Bulletin.
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