Restricted substances list updated

Legislation on restricted substances can be particularly complex, and is not always relevant to footwear. The latest version of SATRA’s restricted substances list gives a brief summary of the most relevant substances that are pertinent to the footwear industry, and highlights the material types where these substances might be present. This 9th edition includes information on deca BDE, updated test method references and the EN 71-3:2013 + A1:2014 maximum allowable limits for organotins and chromium VI (which are directly relevant for children’s toys and very young children’s footwear).
This restricted substances list is intended to be a key tool to disseminate information along the supply chain and to educate suppliers about the importance of meeting the legal and brand specific requirements explained in this document. European, American and Chinese legislation and test methods are referenced alongside the material types in which these chemicals might present.
How can we help?
Please email for your complimentary copy of the SATRA Footwear Restricted Substances List issue 9, to register for the Within REACH restricted substances newsletter subscription or for any further information on chemical testing, training or consultancy.
Publishing Data
This article was originally published on page 42 of the May 2015 issue of SATRA Bulletin.
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