Brazil to target new footwear markets

Peru, Saudi Arabia and South Korea have been selected by footwear companies working within the Brazilian Footwear Initiative as markets in which their products are to be promoted during 2019 and 2020. The programme has been organised by national industry association Abicalçados alongside export promotions agency Apex-Brasil, and is being used to promote brands owned by Brazilian shoemakers.
Every two years, target markets are chosen, with China, France, the UK and the USA currently being the subject of Brazilian promotional activities. According to Roberta Ramos, project manager at Abicalçados, Brazilian footwear producers particularly viewed Saudi Arabia as a desirable market, and the challenges faced by exporters have been considered. A team is to visit the country to meet important figures in the Saudi footwear industry, after which a commercial promotion strategy will be formulated.
Publishing Data
This article was originally published on page 2 of the July/August 2018 issue of SATRA Bulletin.
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