A message from SATRA’s CEO
Chief executive John Hooker has announced a continuing service for members and customers.

Dear SATRA members and customers
SATRA is keeping its offices and laboratories open during the ongoing pandemic of coronavirus COVID-19. The health and wellbeing of our members of staff remains SATRA’s highest priority.
We have made substantial changes to working practices across our business in the UK, China and Ireland to support the national and international efforts to control this virus. This includes a considerable amount of home-based working, employee monitoring and
comprehensive social distancing measures in the workplace.
You will still be able to contact our staff by email and telephone, and they will be very happy to help with your enquiries. We have invested in further communications technology to support this service. Our offices, testing laboratories and manufacturing facilities in the UK, China and Ireland remain fully operational.

SATRA’s offices and testing laboratories remain fully operational in the UK, China and Ireland
SATRA is running a popular series of weekly webinars on a variety of footwear topics as face-to-face training is currently not possible. Please visit www.satra.com/resources for further information.
We are united with everybody around the world affected by this virus and we will do all we can to support our members and customers through this challenging period.
John Hooker
Chief executive, SATRA
Publishing Data
This article was originally published on page 2 of the May 2020 issue of SATRA Bulletin.
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