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ANA cabin crew can lose high heels

Image © Masakatsu Ukon

Japan’s All Nippon Airways (ANA) has amended its staff regulations that previously required all female cabin crew members to wear high-heeled shoes. The company has accepted that wearing lower-heeled or flat shoes is more comfortable in the role and can make the working environment for cabin crew healthier. However, ANA has continued to insist that its cabin crew teams must wear leather shoes to work, stating that, for the women, plain, black leather court shoes (pumps) will fit well with the rest of the uniform. Walking and ballet shoes are not permitted. Under the new direction, heels must have a maximum height of 50mm and be at least 30mm wide. The company had previously required heels to have a height of between 30mm and 50mm.

Publishing Data

This article was originally published on page 3 of the June 2020 issue of SATRA Bulletin.

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