SATRA to publish Leather Special
Announcing a new publication which will provide key information on issues affecting leather production and use.

In January of this year, SATRA released a Sustainability Special publication in both printed and digital form, containing key information on sustainability topics relevant to the footwear and leather industries. The response to this magazine was incredibly positive, with many comments received from members appreciating the valuable information it contained. In fact, the SATRA Bulletin Sustainability Special proved so popular – with many requests being made for additional copies – that stocks were quickly exhausted and a second printing is currently being planned.
“We deliberated over the fact that it seemed incongruous to produce a publication about ‘sustainability’ in hard copy,” says SATRA assistant director of marketing, Christine Anscombe. “However, we concluded that many readers would refer back to this edition, and the fact that we have received multiple requests for extra copies supports this decision.”
Next in the series
SATRA plans to publish another ‘special’ in July – this time as a comprehensive overview of leather production. We understand the importance of such a broad topic being understood throughout an organisation. Therefore, to help SATRA members find this valuable information in one place, the SATRA Bulletin Leather Special will cover a variety of issues, including the composition and structure of hides and skins, potential quality problems on the farm and in the slaughter house, pre-tanning, tanning and post-tanning processes, and leather finishes.
All SATRA members who regularly receive a printed copy of the monthly SATRA Bulletin magazine will automatically have a copy of the Leather Special mailed to them, and a link to the digital version of the publication will also be made available.
As with the Sustainability Special, the SATRA Bulletin Leather Special will be an ideal advertising medium to promote relevant products and services. The rate card has been kept competitive and represents excellent value, considering the industry decision-makers which will be reached by this publication.
How can we help?
Please contact if colleagues within your company would like to receive additional printed copies of the SATRA Bulletin Sustainability Special or links to the digital edition, and email for information on advertising in the forthcoming SATRA Bulletin Leather Special.
Publishing Data
This article was originally published on page 28 of the March 2023 issue of SATRA Bulletin.
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