EN 1621
Motorcyclists’ clothing protecting against mechanical impact

EN 1621-1: 2012
Motorcyclists’ limb joint impact protectors
The EN 1621-1 test is used to assess the protective qualities of armour worn on the limb joints while riding a motorcycle. Two performance levels are specified for motorcyclists’ limb protectors – level 1 and level 2. The lower the force that a protector transmits, the more protective a product is considered to be. To pass the standard, the mean maximum transmitted force must be below 35kN, and no single value should be over 50kN. The standard includes optional impact tests to assess performance in high (+40°C) and low (-10°C) temperature environments.

EN 1621-2: 2014
Motorcyclists’ back protectors
EN 1621-2:2014 was written to specifically cover back and lumbar protectors. It uses similar design and test methodology to part 1 for testing of limb protectors, except that the geometry of the anvil and striker are different to better simulate the way back protectors are intended to work. This standard accommodates three different types of back protector, which are offered to encourage the adoption of certified protection within the varied disciplines of motorcycling and the type of rider. These are ‘full back’, ‘central back’ and ‘lower back’ (lumbar) protectors. Mandatory impacts must be carried out after ambient and hydrolytic ageing conditions. Two performance levels – 1 and 2 – are specified for motorcyclists’ back protectors. To pass the standard, the mean maximum transmitted force must be below 18kN and no single value should be over 24kN. The standard also includes optional impact tests to assess performance in high (+40°C) and low (-10°C) temperature environments.
EN 1621-3:2018
Motorcyclists’ chest protectors
EN 1621-3:2018 is used to assess chest protectors. This standard accommodates two different designs of protector which are offered to encourage the adoption of certified protection within the different disciplines of motorcycling and the type of rider. These are ‘divided’ and ‘full’ protectors. Two performance levels are specified for motorcyclists' chest protectors against impacts – level 1 (protectors which fulfil only the force transmission requirements) and level 2, for more rigid protectors which fulfil both the force transmission and force distribution requirements. The standard includes optional impact tests to assess performance in high (+40°C) and low (-10°C) temperature environments.
EN 1621-4:2013
Motorcyclists’ inflatable protectors
EN 1621-4:2013 covers inflatable protectors. Two performance levels are specified for motorcyclists’ inflatable protectors against impacts – level 1 for protectors designed to give adequate protection, and level 2 for items providing more protection than a level 1 product. As it is critical that inflatable protectors protect the user from impacts and inflate within a satisfactory time, inflation is analysed with the use of a high-speed camera which can record at least 200 frames per second.