EN 511: 2006
Protective gloves against cold
A general standard designed to be used for any glove which claims protection against cold environments. The standard includes two specific tests for assessing thermal insulation: convective cold and contact cold plus other low temperature performance tests in addition to requirements from EN 388 and EN 420.
Thermal Insulation
Testing to this standard includes mechanical requirements based on the abrasion and tear resistance tests in EN 388 and there are flexibility tests for coated materials and for gloves intended to be used in environments below -30°C. In terms of assessing thermal insulation characteristics there are two tests. Firstly convective cold - a test that is carried out by placing the glove on an electrically heated hand and measuring the power required to maintain the hand at a temperature of between 30°C and 35°C when it is placed in a controlled environment. Secondly there is the contact cold test which measures thermal insulation in when in contact with a solid object.