Test Method: SATRA TM260
Phenolic (elusive) yellowing of textiles
September 2009

This method is intended to assess the potential of materials to yellow due to contamination by sterically-hindered phenols, which are contained in some packaging. Although textiles and PU materials are more sensitive to yellowing from these anti-oxidants, this method is applicable to all white and pastel-coloured materials.
A test specimen is placed in contact with an impregnated paper, sandwiched between glass plates and wrapped completely in polythene. This assembly is stored in a warm environment for a set time. Immediately after this period, the change in colour of the test specimen is assessed subjectively with grey scales.
BS 950: Part 1: 1967 (2007) Specification for artificial daylight for the assessment of colour. Illuminant for colour matching and colour appraisal.
BS EN 20105: A03: 1995, ISO 105-A03: 1993 Textiles. Test for colour fastness. Grey scale for assessing staining.
First issued September 2009.
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- Members: £80
- Non-members: £230