Test Method: SATRA TM92
Resistance of footwear to flexing
November 2016

This method is intended to assess the resistance of completed footwear to repeated flexing. The method is applicable to most types of footwear. It is not suitable for assessing the flex crack resistance of upper or soling materials.
The footwear specimen is repeatedly flexed through a specified angle about its natural flexing line by a test machine. After a predetermined time or number of flexes the footwear is subjectively assessed for signs of damage. The number of flexes or the time between assessments, and the angle through which the footwear is flexed, are determined by the type of footwear being tested.
Test method SATRA TM77 - Flexing machine - water penetration test.
First issued November 1974. Revised May 1992, November 2016.
This test method is available to members and non-members.
This price is for a printed copy of the Test Method.
- Members: £80
- Non-members: £230