Test Method: SATRA TM4
Change in flexing index due to exposure to heat
March 1993

This method is intended to determine the effect of heat on the endurance of a material to repeated flexing. The method is mainly applicable to fibreboard footwear insole materials used in footwear with direct vulcanised moulded on soles but can be used with most types of semi-rigid sheet materials which may be susceptible to thermal degradation.
Test specimens are pressed between two hot rigid surfaces for a predetermined time. The endurance of the specimens to repeated flexing is then assessed by following the test described in SATRA TM3.
Test Method SATRA TM3: 1992 – Flexing index.
First issued December 1966. Revised January 1969, March 1993.
This test method is available to members and non-members.
This price is for a printed copy of the Test Method.
- Members: £80
- Non-members: £230