Test Method: SATRA TM254
Evaluation of degradation of elastanes in swimwear
June 2003

This SATRA test method is intended to assess the resistance of elastane-containing fabrics to an aqueous chlorine solution. The method is applicable to all types of swimwear that incorporate elastanes.
A test specimen is immersed in chlorinated water of a known concentration for a period of 24 hours during which it is periodically stretched. The change in 100% modulus resulting from exposure to the chlorinated water is used to provide a measure of the resistance of the test specimen to degradation by chlorine solution.
BS EN ISO 7500-1:1999 Metallic materials. Verification of static uniaxial testing machines.
First issued June 2003.
This test method is available to members and non-members.
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- Members: £80
- Non-members: £230