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Test Method: SATRA TM346

Fat and free fatty acids content of leather

June 1994


This method is intended to determine the amount of fat, as dichloromethane soluble matter, and fatty acids present in a material. The method is applicable to any type of leather and is generally not used with other types of material.


Part 1 – Dichloromethane extractable matter: A milled test specimen is extracted with dichloromethane using the soxhlet method. After a predetermined time the extract is dried and weighed to give a measure of the amount of dichloromethane extractable matter present in the material.

Part 2 – Free fatty acids: The dichloromethane extract is dissolved in neutralised ethanol and the free fatty acid content is determined by titration against sodium hydroxide solution.


This Test Method does not reference any additional Standards or Test Methods.


First issued June 1994.


This test method is available to members and non-members.


This price is for a printed copy of the Test Method.

  • Members: £75
  • Non-members: £215



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