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Test Method: SATRA TM348

Ash and chromic oxide content of leather

January 1996


This method is intended to determine the amount of mineral substances and chrome present in a material. The method is applicable to all types of leather and is generally not used with any other material.


Part 1 – Ash: A ground test specimen, of known mass, is carbonised over a low flame in a crucible and heated in a furnace to complete the ashing process. The crucible is cooled and weighed and the percentage ash content by mass is calculated.

Part 2 – Chrome: The ashed test specimen (Part 1) is digested by heating with an alkaline fusion mixture. The product is dissolved in water which is then filtered to remove any insolubles. The solution is acidified and an iodometric titration carried out with sodium thiosulphate.


BS EN ISO 3696: 1995 – Water for analytical laboratory use. Specfication and test methods.


First issued January 1996.


This test method is available to members and non-members.


This price is for a printed copy of the Test Method.

  • Members: £75
  • Non-members: £215



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