Test Method: SATRA TM357
Colour fastness to sodium perborate
January 2004

This test method is intended to determine the effects of sodium perborate on the colour of textile products and is used to assess the potential for colour change in the presence of domestic detergents that contain sodium perborate. The method is applicable to all textile products.
A test specimen is placed in a sodium perborate solution containing 0.4 g/litre of available oxygen at a temperature of 50°C. After testing the change in colour of the test specimen is assessed using grey scales.
ISO 105–A02 Textiles – Test for colour Fastness. Part A02. Grey scale for assessing change in colour.
ISO 3696 Water for analytical laboratory use – Specification and test method.
First issued January 2004.
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- Members: £80
- Non-members: £230