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Test Method: SATRA TM113

Measurement of the strength of attachment of heels to footwear and the backpart rigidity of such footwear

July 2022


This method is intended to determine the strength of the heel attachment and the backpart rigidity in completed footwear. The method is applicable to most footwear with separately attached heels. It is not normally suitable for footwear with heels lower than 30 mm.


The footwear is clamped at the forepart and the heel pulled backwards at a constant rate. The deformation of the heel after the application and release of a specified force is determined as well as the force required to detach the heel or cause some other type of failure.


BS EN 10002-2: 1992 – Verification of the force measuring system of the tensile testing machine.


First issued May 1989. Revised December 1996, July 2022.


This test method is available to members and non-members.


This price is for a printed copy of the Test Method.

  • Members: £80
  • Non-members: £230



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